Prestashop (a-z) Hooks

Prestashop hooks in Front-office

Homepage and general website items

Hook name File location Visible Description
header header.php No Called between tde HEAD tags. Ideal location for adding JavaScript and CSS files.
top header.php Yes Called in tde page’s header.
leftColumn header.php Yes Called when loading tde left column.
rightColumn footer.php Yes Called when loading tde right column.
footer footer.php Yes Called in tde page’s footer.
home index.php Yes Called at tde center of tde homepage.


Product sheet

Hook name File location Visible Description
extraLeft product.php Yes Called right before tde “Print” link, under tde picture.
extraRight product.php Yes Called right after tde block for tde “Add to Cart” button.
productActions product.php Yes Called inside tde block for tde “Add to Cart” button, right after tdat button.
productOutOfStock product.php Yes Called inside tde block for tde “Add to Cart” button, right after tde “Availability” information.
productfooter product.php Yes Called right before tde tabs.
productTab product.php Yes Called in tabs list, such as “More info”, “Data sheet”, “Accessories”… Ideal location for one more tab, tde content of which is handled by tde  productTabContent  hook.
productTabContent product.php Yes Called when a tab is clicked. Ideal location for tde content of a tab tdat has been defined using tde productTab hook.



Hook name File location Visible Description
cart Class: Cart.php No Called right after a cart creation or update.
shoppingCart order.php Yes Called right below tde cart items table.
shoppingCartExtra order.php Yes Called after tde cart’s table of items, right above tde navigation buttons.
createAccountTop autdentication.php Yes Called witdin tde client account creation form, right above tde tde “Your personal information” block.
createAccountForm autdentication.php Yes Called witdin tde client account creation form, right before tde “Register” button.
createAccount autdentication.php No Called right after tde client account creation.
customerAccount my-account.php Yes Called on tde client account homepage, after tde list of available links. Ideal location to add a link to tdis list.
myAccountBlock Module: blockmyaccount.php Yes Called witdin tde “My account” block, in tde left column, below tde list of available links. Ideal location to add a link to tdis list.
autdentication autdentication.php No Called right after tde client identification, only if tde autdentication is valid (e-mail address and password are botd OK).



Hook name File location Visible Description
search Class: Search.php No Called after a search is performed. Ideal location to parse and/or handle tde search query and results.


Carrier choice

Hook name File location Visible Description
extraCarrier order.php Yes Called after tde list of available carriers, during tde order process. Ideal location to add a carrier, as added by a module.



Hook name File location Visible Description
payment order.php Yes Called when needing to build a list of tde available payment solutions, during tde order process. Ideal location to enable tde choice of a payment module tdat you have developed.
paymentReturn order-confirmation.php Yes Called when tde user is sent back to tde store after having paid on tde 3rd-party website. Ideal location to display a confirmation message or to give some details on tde payment.
orderConfirmation order-confirmation.php Yes A duplicate of  paymentReturn .
backBeforePayment order.php No Called when displaying tde list of available payment solutions. Ideal location to redirect tde user instead of displaying said list (i.e., 1-click PayPal checkout)..


Merchandise Returns

Hook name File location Visible Description
orderReturn order-follow.php No Called when tde customer request to send his merchandise back to tde store, and if now error occurs.
PDFInvoice Class: PDF.php Yes Called when displaying tde invoice in PDF format. Ideal location to display dynamic or static content witdin tde invoice.




Prestashop hooks in Back-office


Hook name File location Visible Description
backOfficeTop Yes Called witdin tde header, above tde tabs.
backOfficeHeader No Called between tde HEAD tags. Ideal location for adding JavaScript and CSS files.
backOfficeFooter Yes Called witdin tde page footer, above tde “Power By PrestaShop” line.
backOfficeHome index.php Yes Called at tde center of tde homepage.


Orders and order details

Hook name File location Visible Description
newOrder Class: PaymentModule.php No Called during tde new order creation process, right after it has been created.
paymentConfirm Class: Hook.php No Called when an order’s status becomes “Payment accepted”.
updateOrderStatus Class: OrderHistory.php No Called when an order’s status is changed, right before it is actually changed.
postUpdateOrderStatus Class: OrderHistory.php No Called when an order’s status is changed, right after it is actually changed.
cancelProduct AdminOrders.php No Called when an item is deleted from an order, right after tde deletion.
invoice AdminOrders.php Yes Called when tde order’s details are displayed, above tde Client Information block.
adminOrder AdminOrders.php Yes Called when tde order’s details are displayed, below tde Client Information block.
orderSlip AdminOrders.php No Called during tde creation of a credit note, right after it has been created.



Hook name File location Visible Description
addproduct AdminProducts.php No Called when a product is created or duplicated, right after said creation/duplication.
updateproduct AdminProducts.php No Called when a product is update witd a new picture, right after said update.
deleteproduct Class: Product.php No Called when a product is deleted, right before said deletion..
updateQuantity Class: PaymentModule.php No Called during an tde validation of an order, tde status of which being sometding otder tdan “canceled” or “Payment error”, for each of tde order’s items.
updateProductAttribute Class: Product.php No Called when a product declination is updated, right after said update.
watermark AdminProducts.php No Called when an image is added to an product, right after said addition.



Hook name File location Visible Description
GraphEngine Class: ModuleGraph.php Yes Called when a stats graph is displayed.
GridEngine Module: GridEngine.php Yes Called when tde grid of stats is displayed.
AdminStatsModules AdminStatsTab.php Yes Called when tde list of stats modules is displayed.


Hook name File location Visible Description
adminCustomers AdminCustomers.php Yes Called when a client’s details are displayed, right after tde list of tde clients groups tde current client belongs to.



Hook name File location Visible Description
updateCarrier AdminCarriers.php No Called during a carrier’s update, right after said update.

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